Today we have some Winter Writing Ideas and Winter Writing Activities to get your kiddos excited about writing this Winter! It’s Winter time and we all know that kids just love Winter! With so many fun things to do at this time of year, like sledding, drinking hot chocolate, skiing and building snowmen, it’s easy to see why kids get so excited about this wonderful season. So this Winter, bring all of this fun and excitement inside and into your classroom! Get them excited to write about Winter with these fun Winter writing ideas. Winter … [Read more...]
Halloween Writing Quilt
Halloween is a great motivator in the classroom. These writing prompts will get students keen to write and will also give you a great Halloween display that is all their work! The Halloween Writing Prompts Quilt has 7 different writing prompts and each one comes in two different formats - four squares to a page and 2 squares to a page. If you would like them to be larger just enlarge them on a copier. The 7 different writing prompts are - If I Were a Ghost I Would … Haunted House Acrostic Poem Witch’s Brew Recipe On … [Read more...]
Homophone Games
Homophone Games As a teacher, I can't seem to help myself. Finding grammar and spelling mistakes in magazines, in newspapers, on websites and on signs almost seems to be a hobby for me. Sometimes I really wish I didn't care but the fact is that I do! So as a teacher I know the value of using homophones correctly! I cringe when I see 'your' used instead of 'you're' or 'there' used instead of 'their'. That's why I love doing homophone activities with the kids so that hopefully their use of homophones will usually be correct! One of … [Read more...]