If you are looking for a fun and effective way to develop fact fluency, games may be the solution.
Whether you want students to master addition facts or subtraction facts, there loads of simple games that will do just that. I have created many, many games for developing fact fluency and today I would like to share some No Prep free games with you.
These games are Print and Go games – just print them out and hand them out. That makes it a real win for teachers and there is a big win for the kiddos too. They get to play a game while they improve their fact fluency! The best part is that because children are playing a game, they don’t even see it as practicing math!
Below you will find the links to download these games from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Addition Games
These addition game will get kids thinking. Owl Pairs reviews addition to 11 and Alligator Pairs and Trios reviews addition to 15. As students recall the fact or calculate the facts over and over as they play, they will be developing addition fact fluency!
Download from www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Addition-Free-NO-PREP-Addition-Games-1136413
Subtraction Games
These subtraction games review subtraction from 12 and finding pairs of numbers with a difference of 9. Find the Difference Four in a Row has students subtract from 12 as they try to be the first to make ‘four in a row’. I love how this game combines fact flucency and strategic thinking. Birdie Pairs Find a Difference of 9 has students hunt for number pairs that have a difference of 9. A great way to get them using their subtraction facts.
Download from – www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Subtraction-Free-NO-PREP-Subtraction-Games-1137602
If you and the children enjoy these games, I have many more of these No Prep Addition and Subtraction games in these sets.
Addition Games No Prep Print and Play Math Games
Subtraction Games No Prep Print and Play Math Games
Wishing you and the children lots of fun with these games!
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